I will not give up: the life of Dragotin Kette

Kette Memorial Room at Prem (Prem 83).

Dragotin Kette (1876-1899), along with Ivan Cankar, Josip Murn and Oton Župančič, is the most important representative of Slovene modernism. In his only twenty-three years of life, he has traversed an extremly dynamic path. He was a cheerful and playful personality, full of optimism and eager for knowledge. Despite the many obstacles set by life, he did not give up, but strived to achieve his clearly defined goal: to become good poet and writer. Hence the name of the exhibition.

We present his life path, work and commemorations after his death at a renovated exhibition in the building of the former Prem primary school, where the poet was born. Among the objects collected by the Committee for the Arrengement of Kette's Memorial Room at Prem in 1960s are, in addition to Kette's Poems, a piano by Daniel Dörr, owned by the poet's father and Prem teacher, Filip Kette, and a Biedermeier cupboard from Trnovo convent of school sisters de Notre Dame, whose founder was Dragotin's relative, Janez Valenčič, and the poet's bust, made in 1968 from burnt clay by the academic sculptor Marjan Keršič Belač. The bedroom and black kitchen are also on display.

A tour of the exhibition is included in a tour of Prem Castle.

Author of exhibition: Aneja Rože, Pokrajinski muzej Koper.

Exhibition designer: Kristina Šlosar, TIC Ilirska Bistrica.

Location: Kette Memorial Room at Prem (Prem 83).

Contact info

Kidričeva 19, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia

Opening hours of the Palace:
Tuesday -  Saturday: 9:00 - 12:30 and 13:00 - 17:00 

Sunday and holydays: 9:00 - 12:30 and 13:00 - 17:00 

Closed on Mondays and on January 1st, May 1st, November 1st and December 25th

T: +386.
